
Our Approach.

Thanks to its economic growth and importance as university town, Leipzig ranks #1 in Germany in terms of population growth. With plus 73.000 over the last 6 years it now counts 580.000 inhabitants and just surpassed Dresden as the most populous city in Saxony. By now, Leipzig is a well developed market and a frequent target for “Low RIsk” investing at average 5% annual return.

A few years ago, after 2010, the city's real estate market suffered from material oversupply driven by some 5.000 apartments flooding the market following the wash-out of a tax driven real estate investment scheme. Fussbahn Immobilien was able to take advantage of this market disruption and added significant portfolio positions, one example being the “Kohlgartenstrasse” as per below.

Recently, the outskirts of Leipzig are becoming more interesting given that rising rents across the city's zip codes are pushing families beyond the outer rings. In particular, south of Leipzig, the former surface coal mines are being transformed to large lakes to shape an entirely new landscape offering grand opportunities, at this stage “Medium” to “Speculative Risk” investments.

Case study – Speculative Investment (2014)

Leipzig, Kohlgartenstrasse – 2 bedroom with loggia

Refurbished and rented out at 16% annual return*
Appraisal (3 years after purchase) at 20 x net rent: ~ 200% Profit


Case study – Low Risk Investment (2017)

Leipzig, Clara-Wieck-Strasse – 2 bedroom

Net rental income / Purchase Price = 5.9%*


* Annual net rent / Purchase price